“True yoga is not about the shape of your body,
but the shape of your life.
Yoga is not to be performed; yoga is to be lived.
Yoga doesn’t care about what you have been;
yoga cares about the person you are becoming.
Yoga is designed for a vast and profound purpose, and for it to be truly called yoga, its essence must be embodied.”
~Aadil Palkhivala, Fire of Love”
About Us
Our approach to the practice of yoga focuses on allowing each person to discover their authentic practice. At Shaanti Yoga, we carefully select instructors, each of whom has completed advanced training and many years of experience teaching at all levels, from the athlete seeking to gain an extra edge in performance to those working with physical limitations. Everyone can find a safe, fulfilling, and empowering practice at Shaanti!
Our classes focus on the traditional postures, with an emphasis on alignment and breath. Instructors lead a practice tailored to the students in the room at any given time - we rely on our well-trained, experienced teachers who are dedicated to this practice and will be there to help you modify, find a new pose, or deepen a posture that you’ve practiced before. It is authentic yoga, but with a contemporary focus on anatomy and physiology, with a specific emphasis on the physical challenges that face modern yoga practitioners. We know what it’s like to have a desk job, or to carry around children all day, or to have only a few precious hours a week to call your own - and we tailor the practice to help you find balance no matter what is happening in the rest of your week.
All levels are welcome! We can help you start a yoga practice if you are in your worst physical condition, and we can help you protect yourself from injury and create better body awareness for even the fittest athletes.
Class Descriptions
Beginner’s Yoga - The Basics - This class is for anyone who has never taken a yoga class, who hasn't taken a class in ages, who feels nervous even trying a class and for anyone who wants to get back to some basics. We will work on various yoga postures (asanas), help you get started on a meditation practice as well as discover your breath and how it is key to not only your yoga practice, but how it can help you deal with everyday stress. You will learn how to adapt the practice to fit your needs and how you can learn to tune into what your body needs.
Gentle Flow - This class focuses on classic yoga postures to increase balance, mobility and range of motion, utilizing breath awareness and mindfulness. Students are taken through a structured series of asana to lengthen, strengthen and re-balance specific muscles of the body. This yoga class will leave you feeling stretched, standing taller with muscles awake and mind calm and relaxed. Props will be used and modifications offered so that this class is accessible to all levels of yoga.
Candlelight Flow (Level 1)- Unwind and downshift into a sensory candlelit experience that aims to stretch and strengthen your body as well as calm your nervous system.This well-rounded slow flow class invites a deeper understanding of mind-body-spirit connection and improves flexibility, muscle tone, circulation and balance. Gentle stretching opens the way to a stronger slow flowing sequence of postures with simple transitions and attention to alignment and essential breath awareness. * Modifications and props are offered.
Deep Flow (Level 2) - This class is for anyone already familiar with yoga and wanting to simply dig a little deeper into their Asana practice. This is a pretty vigorous class and very alignment based. We work slowly but steadily and intensely. The focus will be on building strength and connecting to our breath while we move deeper into shapes. Different families of postures will be introduced and then we'll practice svadhyaya (Self inquiry) to discover how deep our body wants to take us. We'll also have fun and maybe go upside down on occasion:) Be prepared to sweat. This is not an advanced class nor is it meant for new practitioners. It is a class for the curious and for those who want to work a little harder.
Hatha Yoga - In these classes, students will receive instruction in the fundamental postures of yoga. Classes include sun salutations, and all students are encouraged to practice at their own level. We can help you find that level! This may mean that the instructor helps you modify if certain poses are not yet attainable, and it includes encouragement and assistance to take your practice to the next level. Hatha classes are appropriate for beginners, but offer a lot of options for experienced yogis to challenge themselves.
Happy Hour Flow (Level 1-2) - Feeling stiff and stressed out from the demands of a long day? This class will help unravel tension in your body and mind, uplift your spirits and renew your overall sense of well being. This well-rounded slow flow class invites a deeper understanding of mind-body-spirit connection and improves flexibility, balance, strength and muscle tone.Gentle stretching opens the way to more active and invigorating flowing sequences with attention to transitions, alignment and essential breath awareness.
*Modifications and props are offered, making this class accessible to healthy beginners as well as more experienced practitioners.
Prenatal Yoga We offer prenatal yoga a few times a year as long as we have expectant moms attending, we will offer the class. If you don’t see it on the schedule, we can also offer a private or semi-private session. This is a class specifically for expecting moms of all stages. This class is a perfect way to restore and relax at all stages of motherhood and to prepare your body and mind for childbirth. This a one-hour class is a combination of strengthening and stretching. You will learn effective breathing techniques, pelvic floor exercises, hip openers, as well as postures to release tension in the neck, shoulders, and back. This is a wonderful way to connect with yourself and your baby for the journey that lies ahead! No previous yoga experience is necessary to participate in yoga classes for pregnancy. We will rest for at least 10 minutes at the end of class.
Sunrise Yoga- This sunrise class is designed for all who wish to refreshed, calm, and centered for the day ahead. To begin, we slowly open our bodies and open our minds through a series of poses that lead one to finding the unique breath each possesses. We will gradually move into various asanas (postures) and several sun salutations as we strengthen and lengthen our bodies and minds. We finish with a long, invigorating cool down that is followed by a relaxing Savasana. All levels are welcome to a class devised with multiple modifications and cues throughout.
Rise & Shine Flow (Level 1/2) -The perfect way to start your day! Rejuvenate, center yourself and find the grace and ease you need to get going, flowing and smiling into the rest of your day.This well-rounded slow flow class invites a deeper understanding of mind-body-spirit connection and improves flexibility, balance, strength and muscle tone.Gentle stretching opens the way to more active and invigorating flowing sequences with attention to transitions, alignment and essential breath awareness.
*Modifications and props are offered, making this class accessible to healthy beginners as well as more experienced practitioners.
Yin / Candlelight Yin / Yin: Release & Relax- is a simple practice, but not necessarily easy. It consists of a series of long-held, passive seated and lying down poses that target mainly the connective tissues and muscles. It also improves the energy flow throughout the body. Yin Yoga complements a more active muscular style of asana practice (yang). Yin helps release physical tightness. Benefits of Yin Yoga are stress reduction, calming and balancing the mind and body, greater joint mobility, increased circulation, improved flexibility and deeper relaxation. Yin is practiced in a cool room and is appropriate for all levels.
Restorative - This class gives you a chance to completely let go and release the mind and body of all tension. You will experience a style of yoga that involves long passive holds in a series of Restorative poses using props to aid in comfort and pranayama, focusing on breath to guide you through. This evening class gently prepares you for a deep nights sleep, you will leave feeling rested and refreshed. Relax and unwind by candlelight.